ClimateWise Challenge Guides

Quick Start Guide
Getting all set up to participate in the ClimateWise Challenge is as easy as 1... 2.. 3... The Quick Start Guide shows you how.

Portfolio Manager User Guide
Designed specifically for the ClimateWise Building Challenge, this Portfolio Manager User Guide will get you up to speed quickly using an easy to follow, step by step, process.
Case Studies
Case Study: 407 ETR lighting project
LED lighting leads to a more eco-friendly organization
Case Study: Alectra’s dynaCERT’s HydraGen™ Fleet Pilot
Reduction by over 16,000 kgCO2e expected through fleet technology upgrade
Case Study: CIBC - BGIS Energy Optimization Solutions
Smart Retail Controls (SRC) generate $1.6MM in savings since 2018 pilot
Case Study: Compugen Finance Inc. Carbon Bank™ Program
Compugen Finance Inc. is focused on Climate Action with innovative programs like Green4Good™ and Carbon Bank™, the World’s first IT Asset Disposition Carbon Offsetting Project.
Case Study: Net Zero Journey, City of Markham
Markham develops Near Net Zero Roadmaps for 4 community centres and 3 fire stations
Case Study: Circularity for Pool Filter Sand, Town of Newmarket
Magna Centre Pool Filter Sand diverted from landfill through circular solution
Case Study: Town Offices Energy Savings, Town of Newmarket
Savings of 45% gained through a 4 year project of energy reduction upgrades
Case Study: Richmond Hill Tom Graham Arena
Significant energy use reductions with low-emissivity ceilings in ice rink
Commercial Tenant Resources
Successes in sustainability: landlords and tenants team up to improve energy efficiency
Case study examples of how landlords and tenants are tapping into the power of collaboration to overcome barriers to high-performance buildings.
Successes in sustainability: key points and summary
A quick read and summary of the key points taken from the Energy Star document referenced above (Successes in sustainability: landlords and tenants team up to improve energy efficiency).