Windfall Data Tools

Measuring Business Energy and Emissions Profile (BEEP)

What is a BEEP

A Business Energy and Emissions Profile (BEEP) is a sectoral analysis of GHG emissions within a community, looking at the proportion and sources of community-wide emissions that result from business sector activity. BEEPs give insight into business emissions from industry sectors which allows comparison between sectors and activity types, informing community planning around emission reduction projects and business engagement programs — critical initiatives for municipalities working to reduce community-wide emissions.

A BEEP analysis can be used as a bench-marking tool and planning document to assist communities in GHG emission reduction efforts. The BEEP analysis is complementary to existing GHG emissions tracking documents and inventories, Community Energy and Emissions Plans, economic development, green business, and other sustainability reports.

York Region Emissions Profile

The York Region BEEP:

  • Provides an emissions baseline for York Region
  • Provides a snapshot of business emissions in York Region by industry sector
  • Projects GHG emissions by sector and activity (building energy use, transportation, and waste)
  • Identifies the highest emitting industry sectors, pointing to reduction opportunities within the business community

In addition to an emissions breakdown by sector and by activity, the York Region BEEP also provides:

  • Data on motivation for businesses to take on carbon measurement and reduction initiatives (overall and by sector)
  • Data on reduction strategies from other jurisdictions (overall and by sector)
  • Case studies highlighting how businesses in the focus sectors are cost-effectively reducing their emissions

BEEP Dashboard

The BEEP dashboard is an extension of the BEEP report. It allows for interactive data exploration, and supplements the report with spatial data views.

Initially the BEEP dashboard will display projected business emissions. As York Region businesses measure and report their emissions through the ClimateWise Business Network program their actual emissions can be replaced with actual values. The online dashboard will then serve as part of our community reporting initiative where businesses are able to track and benchmark their emissions and progress amongst their neighbours and industry peers. The dashboard will be used to highlight success stories and case studies from participating businesses and help drive business participation and emission reductions.