Windfall Sustainability News

2019 News Archive

Our response: Proposed amendment to O.Reg 506/18

The Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ENDM) proposes to amend O.Reg. 506/18 to stop further rollout of the EWRB program to buildings under 100 000 sq. ft. Windfall Ecology Centre recommends that the ENDM reconsider the proposed amendment as it will impose additional cost on businesses in the long term and reduce the ability of businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Read our response

Compugen and Compugen Finance nominated for Green Economy Builder Award

The IT firm is an active member of ClimateWise Business Network

Compugen and Compugen Finance were one of five nominees for Green Economy Canada's inaugural award. They were nominated for their commitment to sustainability that included reducing building energy use, encouraging employees to work remotely and managing an innovative program that incentivizes businesses to trade old IT assets for carbon offsets.

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New Limited Time Fall Bonus Home Energy Incentives

Get your home ready for cooler weather

September is time to think about properly heating your house this fall and winter. The best furnace in the world won't help much if your house is drafty. Learn how to heat your home for comfort while also saving money on heating by having a home energy assessment and take advantage of the new fall bonus incentives offered through the Home Efficiency Rebate program.

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Federal funding supports clean, zero-emission transit

Newmarket pilots electric buses and on-route 450kW electric charger

On August 15, 2019, Kyle Peterson, MP for Newmarket–Aurora announced an investment of nearly $957,000 for Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. to install and pilot a high-power overhead, on-route electric charger in Newmarket, which will help York Region phase out diesel buses and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

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Holy Trinity School's Path to Sustainability

"The Green Team brought to the table a higher level of leadership to commit"

In May 2019, ClimateWise member Holy Trinity School won the Engaged Green Team award at the York Region Sustainability Awards. From annual waste audits to a school curriculum that emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship, HTS proves to be a true inspiration when it comes to educating, promoting and advocating sustainability!

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Need help staying cool this summer?

Learn how to make your home more comfortable

We mainly think of draftproofing to keep cold winter air out, but it can also help keep warm air at bay during the summer. In a well-sealed house, you can be the one in control of air flow by strategically opening windows or placing fans. You still have time to insulate or draftproof before the next heat wave.

Energy rebates for qualifying homes are still available.

Request an Energy Assessment

Depaving project brings bit of 'paradise' to Newmarket school

St. John Chrysostom CES in Newmarket is transforming its concrete kindergarten area into green space

On Thursday June 6, over 150 teachers, students, parents and community partners worked together with Windfall Centre, the York Catholic District School Board, and Evergreen, to transform their Kindergarten yard into a greener space. Using prybars and wheelbarrows, volunteers got their hands dirty and removed over 700 square feet of pavement by hand!

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Depaving the way for healthy green spaces

Thank you to all our partners and supporters

On Thursday, June 6th Windfall Ecology Centre teamed up with the York Catholic District School Board and Evergreen to Depave the Kindergarten yard at St. John Chrysostom CES in Newmarket.

School staff, students, parents and community volunteers ripped up over 700 square feet of pavement by hand to make way for green space for the students.

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York Region Sustainability Awards

Event was held on May 30th at the KPMG Tower in Vaughan

Thank you to everyone who came out on to our annual York Region Sustainability Awards! Our event was a success thanks to the fantastic support from our members and sponsors.

We had a great evening networking and celebrating the achievements of over 100 sustainable businesses and community leaders throughout York Region.

Congratulations to all the award winners! We cannot wait to see what is in store for next year!

Award Winners

The Pact for a New Green Deal

You are invited to a special Town Hall on May 29th, Newmarket ON

Join in a national dialogue about meeting the challenges of climate change, environmental destruction and social justice. This event is one of many Green New Deal town halls being held in communities across the country in May 2019. The input from these town halls will be used to inform a vision for a Green New Deal for all.

Register Now

Announcing the new Home Energy Rebate (HER)

Exciting changes to energy rebates and incentives

Spring has arrived and with it some exciting changes to the energy rebates and incentives available from our gas utilities and partners. It has never been easier for to qualify for rebates! Effective May 1, 2019 the Home Energy Conservation (HEC) from Enbridge Gas and the Home Reno Rebate (HRR) from Union Gas merge into a new offering called Home Efficiency Rebate (HER).

New Rebate Information

Benchmarking Help Centre to assist Ontario building owners with energy reporting

MP Deb Schulte, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources visits Windfall Centre for the launch of the Benchmarking Help Centre. The new initiative, funded by Natural Resources Canada, assists commercial building owners in lowering operating costs as they comply with Ontario's Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmark (EWRB) regulation.

More Details

10 myths about carbon pricing

'Canadians want a serious plan to take action on climate change. And they deserve an honest discussion about our options. The facts are out there. Let's use them.'

Canada's Ecofiscal Commission releases new report to serve as a resource for Canadians who want to learn what the evidence says about carbon pricing and its impacts on emissions, the economy, affordability, and jobs.

The 10 Myths

Windfall conducts internal waste audit

New target of 85% waste diversion set for end of 2020

ClimateWise Business Network is happy to announce that our waste reduction and diversion framework is now available online. Coinciding with the framework launch, our team conducted a waste audit at the Windfall Centre. We have a waste diversion rate of 74%, higher than the regional average of 62%. We are setting an ambitious target to have an 85% waste diversion rate by the end of 2020.

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Goodbye cold drafts, hello warm house

Lower energy bills, improved comfort and healthier living

Windfall is now scheduling FREE Home Winterproofing assessments for qualifying residents in Durham, Peterborough, and York Region. If you are an Enbridge gas customer, your home is older than 1980 and you are receiving financial assistance, we want to hear from you!

For more details and to apply online

2018 archives

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