York Region Mayors' Energy Challenge
Calling All York Region Commercial Building Owners
If we are going to make a difference and deal with the urgent need to address climate change, we need our business community to examine their buildings, to understand their energy consumption, and to explore a path forward to a greener future.
Newmarket Mayor John Taylor
A friendly challenge launched
On October 3 2019, Windfall Ecology Centre's Brent Kopperson provided a deputation to York Region Council, setting the Mayors' Energy Challenge in motion.
On Feb 27 2020, Newmarket Mayor John Taylor formally launched the York Region Mayors' Energy Challenge. The purpose of the Mayors’ Energy Challenge is to aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by York Region commercial buildings that are over 50,000 square feet.

Reaching out to local business and building owners
The Mayors' Energy Challenge builds awareness with local businesses and commercial building owners on the opportunity to understand their buildings' energy performance through the participation in the Provincial Energy and Water Reporting & Benchmarking Program (EWRB).
To date only 245 buildings, which is 34% of York Region buildings required to report, have participated in the EWRB program. Many York Region building owners are unaware of the EWRB regulation and the value it provides.
An opportunity to stand-out at the 2020 York Region Sustainability Awards
Recognition of building owners who are setting the pace in sustainable building performance and municipalities who achieve high Energy and Water Reporting & Benchmarking (EWRB) participation, will be a highlight of this year's annual York Region Sustainability Awards coming in October.
How to get involved in your municipality
If you are a York Region building owner that would like to get involved please contact ClimateWise Business Network.
If you require more information or help with your Ontario Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB), please visit the Ontario Benchmarking Help Centre.

I am proud to be a part of the Mayor's Energy Challenge. Towns and Cities are leaders in addressing Climate Change and this is an opportunity for us to engage our large business community to understand the opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Mayor John Taylor, Town of Newmarket

Despite our size as a municipality, we feel our contributions can be significant
Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township of King
The Mayors' Energy Challenge is highly complementary to the goals of our Community Energy & Emissions Plan (CEEP), which is currently being developed. The Challenge provides an opportunity for the City to engage large building owners in Richmond Hill on the potential of benchmarking for energy savings and connect them to expertise and support from ClimateWise's Benchmarking Help Centre.
Myles O'Brien, Environmental Education and Engagement Coordinator at the City of Richmond Hill
To get involved in the York Region Mayors' Energy Challenge please contact ClimateWise Business Network